25 Things Every Business Should Automate

Nearly 80 percent of top-performing companies have used marketing automation for two years or more.

Automation isn’t reserved for big corporations. The smallest companies can incorporate automation in every aspect of operations: from capturing leads to closing sales to serving customers to checking routine office tasks off the to-do list.

Here is your FREE GUIDE on everything you can and SHOULD automate in your business. 

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You'll Learn How to Automate These Four Areas of Business and MORE!


Whether you’re meeting new potential customers or responding to those who have already called or emailed, automated processes allow you to gain and retain leads more quickly and efficiently.


Think of automation software as the project manager for your sales team. While software helps your team focus on the most important tasks ahead, it also keeps track of leads who aren’t yet ready to buy, ensuring progress at every stage of the sales journey.


Automation software encourages customers to buy and buy again—even if they forget to reorder, abandon a shopping cart or let a credit card expire.

Customer Service & Engagement

Automation allows you to treat customers as you would if you had more time. Help customers immediately, respond to their feedback, and even send wishes for a happy birthday.

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